Thanks Alex. This is the first of your work that I've read and I'm looking forward to reading more. This is the kind of news from Israel I want to read.

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Many thanks Elizabeth!

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As always, well argued, interesting facts and correct conclusions.

I often want to argue, but you do not give any grounds for this.

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Many thanks!

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Good piece.

My preferred solution is for Jordan to have most of the West Bank, Israel to annex large blocs near the line and the Jordan Valley, and for Egypt to annex Gaza. Yes I know it's unrealistic and the Palestinians don't want that. Neither do Jordan and Egypt. But the Palestinians don't want Israel to exist at all.

I mean, it's more realistic than a two-state solution that somehow doesn't become a Hamastan 2.0 non-solution and it's certainly more realistic than a Kahanist expulsion.

Sadly there are no solutions to the conflict in the near future. Anyway, if the Palestinians were serious about peace and there could be a two-state deal, evacuating hundreds of thousands of settlers as part of a final status peace deal would be very feasible. Look how quickly so many Israelis evacuated the Gaza envelope and the areas near the Lebanon border.

I am against expanding settlements. But I think there are no viable solutions in the near future. So subjugating Palestinians while not expanding settlements, while far from ideal, seems like the least bad option.

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Alex thx for another informative piece

Three questions:

1) why do you always direct readers to "the first comment" to access the relev link instead of just incl it in the original text

2) "..choked off .." isn't thatban overlybemotive & loaded word to use in an otherwise commendably balanced thesis or argument

3) Peduel: is that also known as Neve Daniel? A small settlement of big modern houses on a high hill with 360° degrees views & ferocious winds that I once visited

Cheers. T

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Hey - 1) not sure which link you mean here. 2) I think it’s an accurate description of what this means for Palestinian life in the area. 3) Peduel is a different settlement, in the central West Bank. Glad you’re enjoying the pieces!

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